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Press Mentions

DOE Office of Science: (Meenesh Singh) 07.02.2024

SciTechDaily: “Transformative” New Solar Technology Converts Manure into Hydrogen Fuel (Meenesh Singh) 06.04.2024

Environment + Energy Leader: Clean Hydrogen from Waste: UIC’s Solar-Powered Innovation (Meenesh Singh) 06.04.2024

AZoCleantech: Hydrogen Production with Only Solar Power and Agricultural Waste (Meenesh Singh) 05.31.2024

Interesting Engineering: Scientists use sun to cook hydrogen from agri-waste with 600% less energy (Meenesh Singh) 05.31.2024

CleanTechnica: Science Never Sleeps, Green Hydrogen and Biochar Edition (Meenesh Singh) 05.31.2024

TechXplore: New method makes hydrogen from solar and agricultural waste (Meenesh Singh) 05.30.2024

Chemical Processing: Green Ammonia Production Process Orchestrated via Symphony of Atoms (Meenesh Singh) 04.05.2024

Hydrogen Insight: New Clean Ammonia Production Method Could be 60% Cheaper Than Using Green Hydrogen, Says US University (Meenesh Singh) 04.02.2024

TechXplore: A New High-Concentration Solid Polymer Electrolyte for High-Voltage Lithium-Metal Batteries (Anh Ngo) 02.09.2024

Global Energy Show: Journey to Net Zero with New Carbon Capture Systems (Meenesh Singh) 03.09.2023

Chemical & Engineering News: Turning carbon dioxide into a valuable resource (Meenesh Singh) 03.05.2023

Chemical & Engineering News: C&EN’s Year in Chemistry 2022 (Meenesh Singh) 12.15.2022

Chemical & Engineering News: Ultrafast technology could slash carbon capture costs (Meenesh Singh) 02.16.2022

AICHE CEP: Converting Waste Nitrates Into Ammonia with Solar Power (Meenesh Singh) 11.1.2021

The Chemical Engineer: Lowering emissions from ammonia production with electrolysis (Meenesh Singh) 1.11.2021

Chemical & Engineering News: The search for greener ethylene (Meenesh Singh) 03.15.2021

Chemical & Engineering News: Braskem partners on low-CO2 ethylene (Meenesh Singh) 01.02.2021

CNN Brazil: Braskem studies sustainable plastic production using CO2 (Meenesh Singh) 12.14.2020

Current: Current Launches ‘Third Coast Water Seminar’ Series (Brian Chaplin) 09.14.2020

PR Newswire: Motif FoodWorks Collaborates with the University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to Improve the Sensory Experience of Plant-based Foods (Vivek Sharma) 07.07.2020

Chemistry World: Six-month validation behind polymer that prevents biofilm growth (Gang Cheng) 05.08.2020

Science Magazine: LSAMP-NICE boosts international research opportunities for underrepresented STEM students (Vikas Berry) 05.04.2020

NSF: Molecules leave solvation shell and integrate into crystal surface  (Meenesh Singh) 02.26.2020

La Presse.CA: REM on the new bridge: beware of electric currents “vagabonds” [Link no longer available] (Alan Zdunek) 07.06.2019

CNN: This artificial leaf wants to help fight climate change (Meenesh Singh) 03.14.2019 A new artificial leaf structure could deliver a needed carbon capture solution (Meenesh Singh) 02.25.2019

Anthropocene: New artificial leaf ready to see light of day (Meenesh Singh) 02.21.2019

Futurism: New artificial leaf design could absorb far more CO2 (Meenesh Singh) 02.19.2019

Digital Trends: Photosynthesizing artificial leaf may be the air-cleaning tool we’ve dreamed of (Meenesh Singh) 02.15.2019

New Atlas: Real-world-ready artificial leaf can pluck carbon dioxide out of thin air (Meenesh Singh) 02.14.2019

The Times of India: Artificial leaves that can absorb CO2 faster than real ones [link no longer available] (Meenesh Singh) 02.14.2019

Tech2: New design for artificial leaf absorbs 10 times more CO2 than natural leaves (Meenesh Singh) 02.14.2019

UPI: CO2-capturing artificial leaves ready to leave the lab [link no longer available] (Meenesh Singh) 02.13.2019

Press Trust of India: Novel artificial leaves convert carbon dioxide into fuel (Meenesh Singh) 02.13.2019

Money Inc.: This artificial leaf could absorb CO2 and turn it into fuel (Meenesh Singh) 02.01.2019

AzoNano: Trickle-Down Graphene (Vikas Berry), 08.24.2018

WGN9: Can the average person print a 3D gun? 07.31.2018

Energy News Network: Chicago startup’s thermal battery is ‘adaptive’ solution to spikes in electricity demand (Said Al-Hallaj) 03.22.2017