Ying Liu, PhD
Professor and College of Engineering Interim Associate Dean of Research
Dr. Satish C. & Asha Saxena Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Building & Room:
152 EIB
929 W. Taylor St, MC 110, Chicago, IL 60607
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Research Interests:
Nanoparticle synthesis
Cell encapsulation
Soft-matter self-assembly kinetics
Courses Offered:
CHE 311 Transport Phenomena I (undergrad) (Fall 2008, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013)
CHE 341 Chemical Process Control (Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014)
CHE 410 Transport Phenomena (graduate) (Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013)
CHE 425 Nanotechnologies for Pharmaceutical Applications(Spring 2009, Fall 2010)
Selected Publications
- Alexander J. Donovan, Joseph Kalkowski, Magdalena Szymusiak, Canhui Wang, Stephanie A. Smith, Robert F. Klie, James H. Morrissey, and Ying Liu, Artificial Dense Granules: A Procoagulant Liposomal Formulation Modeled after Platelet Polyphosphate Storage Pools, accepted by Biomacromolecules.
- Magdalena Szymusiak, Xiaoyu Hu, Paulina Ciupinski, Zaijie Jim Wang, and Ying Liu, Bioavailability of Curcumin and Curcumin Glucuronide in the Central Nervous System of Mice after Oral Delivery of Nano-Curcumin, accepted by International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
- Xiaoyu Hu, Fang Huang, Magdalena Szymusiak, Ying Liu, abd Zaijie Wang, Curcumin Reverses Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia via Spinal Inhibition of CaMKIIα, PLOS ONE 11(1), 0146393, 2016./li>
- Magdalena Szymusiak, Alexander J. Donovan, Stephanie A. Smith, Ross Ransom, Hao Shen, Joseph Kalkowski, James H. Morrissey, and Ying Liu, Colloidal Confinement of Polyphosphate on Gold Nanoparticles Robustly Activates the Contact Pathway of Blood Coagulation, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 27 (1), 102–109, 2015.
- Suzanne M. D’Addio, Venkata M. Reddy, Ying Liu, Patrick J. Sinko, Leo Einck, and Robert K. Prud’homme, Antitubercular nanoparticle combination products: formulation strategies and in vitro efficacy for rifampicin and SQ641, Molecular Pharmaceutics 12(5), 1552-1563, 2015.
- Alexander J. Donovan, Joseph Kalkowski, Stephanie A. Smith, James H. Morrissey and Ying Liu, Size-controlled synthesis of granular polyphosphate nanoparticles at physiologic salt PAGE 2 concentrations for blood clotting, Biomacromolecules.
- Vishal Sharma, Melanie Kollmer, Magdalena Szymusiak, Ludwig C. Nitsche, Richard A. Gemeinhart, and Ying Liu*, Toroidal-spiral particles for co-delivery of anti-VEGFR-2 antibody and irinotecan — a potential impant to hinder recurrence of glioblastoma multiforme. Biomacromolecules, 15 (3), 756-762, 2014.
- Hao Shen, Xiaoyue Hu, Magdalena Szymusiak, Zaijie Jim Wang, and Ying Liu*, Orally Administrated Nano-curcumin to Attenuate Morphine Tolerance and Dependence: Comparison between Negatively Charged PLGA and Partially and Fully PEGylated Nanoparticles. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 10 (12), 4546-4551, 2013.
Notable Honors
2015, Researcher and Scholar of the Year, UIC
2014, CAREER Award, NSF
2013, OTM POC Award, UIC
Postdoc, Department of Chemistry and Institute for Biophysical Dynamics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (2008)
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (2007)
M.A., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (2004)
B.Sc., Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2001)