G. Ali Mansoori
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemical Engineering
Building & Room:
204 SEO
851 South Morgan Street, 60607
Office Phone:
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Research interests:
- Thermodynamics
- Advances in nanotechnology
- Molecular based study of the next generation disease diagnostic methods and therapeutic agents
- Molecular based study of arterial blockage / fouling in petroleum and natural gas industries
- Innovative nanobiostructures design (nanoclusters, nanoconjugates, nanoparticles)
- Phase transitions, density functional theory
- Molecular dynamics simulations
- Modern statistical mechanics
Awards and memberships:
- Medal of Fundamental Science (UNESCO)
- International Academy of Creative Endeavors (Member)
- International Eco Energy Academy (Honorary Member)
- Kapitsa Gold Medal (for outstanding contributions to natural sciences)
- Algorithm Award (for Scientific Achievements)
- Diploma of Honor (Pi Epsilon Tau, National)
- AIChE Fellow
- Dedicated Service Award (F&PD-AIChE)