Lewis E. Wedgewood, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Building & Room:
250 EIB
929 W. Taylor St, MC 110, Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Fall 2020 Courses:
- CHE 210 Material & En Balances
- CHE 520 Transport Phenomena
Research Interests
Computational Fluid Mechanics
Macromolecular Fluid Flow
Transport Phenomena
Stochastic Simulations
Selected Publications
- Asymptotic analysis of the L closure for one-dimensional dumbbell models of transient stress in a suddenly started elongational flow,” Nitsche, L.C., W. Zhang, and L.E. Wedgewood (Accepted in JNNFM 2005)
- “Stagnation Flow Studies of Polymer Solutions in a 2D System,” K.S. Joshi and L.E. Wedgewood, Appl. Rheol.13:4 (2003) 174-182
- “Effects of Viscosity Variations in Steady and Oscillatory Couette Flow,” D.I. Bou-Relan, K.S. Joshi and L.E. Wedgewood, Chem. Eng. Comm., 190: 489-507 (2003)
Notable Honors
2010, Award for Excellence in Teaching, UIC
2004, Teaching Award, Harold A. Simon
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison), 1988)