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New sustainability courses available this fall for CHE students

Climate change

The fall semester will include two courses that address sustainability.

Climate Engineering for Global Warming (CHE 150) will be taught by Dr. Meenesh Singh. It is designed to empower learners with the knowledge and skills to combat climate change head-on. The course will help students understand the historical and engineering perspective of climate change, strategies to engineer earth’s climate, monitor and predict climate change and policies to mitigate risks associated with climate change. Students will also develop an understanding of the various aspects of science, engineering, economics, and policies of climate change. Registration is open to all university students.

Principles of Sustainability, Climate and Health (GC 550/EHOS 594) is a new course for graduate students. Instructors Cynthia Klein-Banai and Sheetal Khedkar Rao will provide an interdisciplinary approach to examining relationships between sustainability, climate change, public health, economies and social norms. Sustainability provides a framework for improving stewardship of the environment, promoting well-being, equity, economic growth, and socialization. The course is based on a systems view in which interacting parts, feedback loops, and non-linear effects are explored. It has a focus on climate change and health as a wicked sustainability problem.